"Kolovrat" is the most famous patriotic band in Russia. They are the main voice of the Russian right-wing movement. The band has been active in the music scene for many years. Kolovrat is not only popular amongst Russian patriots, but they are popular outside of Mother Russia as well.
In the early 1990's four young Skinheads (18- 20 years old) decided to start the first right-wing political band in Russia. The young skinheads had very little musical experience. Their intent was to write music for a Skinhead audience.
It took a few years to find members true to right-wing beliefs, but by August 1994 the formation of "Kolovarat" became official. It is only appropriate that "Kolovrat" was founded in Moscow, the heart of Mother Russia. Now Mother Russia had new political voice. Now Mother Russia had a new voice for a new way.
In the early 90's the scene in Russia was ripe for a right-wing movement. The nation was in turmoil and anarchy. There was little if any leadership and Russians saw much of the precious resources of Russia, from land to oil to people sold to the highest bidder.
The right wing scene began in Moscow with a small number Skinheads- less than 100.
Knowing that a band's name was a trademark, the band members took time in choosing the band name. The original name for the band was "Russian Ghetto."
This name fit the band members since they all shared the following in common:
1. All band members were from poor working class families and lived in industrial areas amongst factories and old emergency buildings. The environment in these communities were filled with high unemployment, crime, drug addiction and alcoholism. For the youth in these communities there was little if any direction. Boredom and hopelessness were to be found everywhere. It was a true working class neighborhood and with the economic disparity in Russia at the time, a true Russian ghetto.
2. The band members thought that the word "ghetto" in its primary meaning as "isolated reserved space of life" could be an ideal model for the future Russian national state. A State ruled by the power of a strict people's dictatorship at the head of a willing authoritative leader. This State will go their direction. A unique way of development- the way of special, Russian National Socialism. The musicians consider that it is necessary to return the "ghetto" notion to it's true, primary meaning of the word, instead of its modern meaning, which the people began to use in Poland before WW2. The definition of "isolated settlements."
Immediately "Russian Ghetto" started to propagandize their lyrics with such topics as National Socialism, anti-communism and a firm hostility towards capitalism in all of its displays. These topics became the topics of the band's works.
The band members practiced much in their own rehearsal room in a dilapidated house. This house was a home, a haven, to almost all active Moscow Skinheads and some members of right-wing organizations.
Soon the band recorded the first demo "Ready to Destroy" (December' 94, 7 songs, 20 min.) in a "non-professional" studio. The line up stabilized, as some musicians were changed and the "Russian Ghetto" lineup became: V. "Balu" - vocal, D. "Shizo"- guitar, I. "Chemist"- bass, A. "Taras"- drums.
The Skinhead press published two of the band's first interviews. It was Russian fanzine "Pod nol" ("Up to Zero") and well known "Pure Impact" from Belgium. The musicians got some publicity and foreign comrades started to communicate with them.
In May 1995 both the bassist and drummer were drafted for military service and the band was forced to start anew. This time with new musicians. Temporary musicians filled the vacancies briefly and in Autumn of 95, D., leader and inspiration of Russian Ghetto stood alone.
Alone, D., started to work and prepare the music and lyrics for further compositions. In passing he searched for new Skinhead musicians, but then in 1995 the Movement in Russia was not so numerous as nowadays and it was difficult to find the creative people with the experiences of drummer and bass player. A few years passed but by February 97' before the new line up joined forces as vocalist V. and guitarist D. were joined by bassist I. (as he returned from the military service) and new drummer- A.). I., former bass player, when he was in the army, left by his own part in war against terrorists in Chechnya as a volunteer. He fought in 1995- 1996, he was wounded and rewarded.
By 1997 the Russian Skinhead movement had grown. "Russian Ghetto" got the possibility to start playing live on real gigs where as before they performed only at small parties for close fellows in their practice room building.
The first gig took place on 05.04.97 at the patriotic festival "The Day Of Russian Nation." The audience was 200 Skinheads, the atmosphere was incredible. The band played its best songs. This success inspired "Russian Ghetto," but soon as D. decided to change the line- up and to select more talented and skilful musicians for the intensification and better development of the band. He was joined by A.- vocal, M.- guitar, A. K.- bass and V.- drums.
D. then decided to change the band's name to "Kolovrat', because this great name was more suitable to emphasize with evidence the right wing political orientation of the band. This name has 2 meanings:
1. "Kolovrat" is an ancient Russian title of a well-known symbol the sunwheel.
2. It was the great Russian hero Evpaty Kolovrat, who fought against the invasion of the Mongols on Russia in the 13th century, he perished in unequal battle and today his name is a true symbol of a sacred fight for the national liberation of all Russian patriots. The first meaning of "Kolovrat" was more important for the musicians, when they decided how they should name the band.
"Kolovrat Crew" Moscow- a group of the band's close associates were self-organized from the circles of the most loyal supporters and personal friends of the musicians at that time to stay with "Kolovrat" through thick and thin of the future times. At the moment of the composing of this text the 5th generation of this independent community is represented around the band.
From September 1997 "Kolovrat" started to play permanent and regular live shows (the best one was at "ISD Memorial"- 1 at 18.09.97 in Moscow).
In December the bassist A. K. was arrested. A.K., with the old band's friend G. committed a double murder of an ex- Skinhead (who became a heroin user) and some tramp- alcoholic. They were condemned for 22 years of imprisonment. D. urgently invited the old bass player I. back to the lineup. I had to leave the band some time ago because of a family situation.
The next big gig happened on 08.02.98 in Moscow. More than 500 Skinheads attended this show. Also one comrade from Germany attended. A comrade who became a good and loyal friend of "Kolovrat". Moscow Skinhead fanzines started to publish the information about the band and concerts became a permanent activity.
After a few new gigs "Kolovrat" recorded the debut album "National Revolution" (November'98, 16 songs, 65 min.). The band was forced to do it in 3 days in their practice room, because of a lack of finances. This album is a live recording in fact. The band just played its actual program and recorded it on an MD player. The musicians were also forced to organize their own record label "Kolovrat SN Records" to release it. Mainstream underground labels of Moscow didn't want to put it out. The reason was that their lyrics were "too radical and political."
This recording became very popular among Russian Skinheads and the "release of the album party" took place on 18.12.98 in Dolgoprudny city near Moscow.
Local authorities were shocked. The gig's time was shortened. After that "Kolovrat" began playing at a local Moscow club, where the gigs of the "Rock Against the Drugs" series began.
The band performed there a few times. One time the band played for the right- wing football hooligans of the "Flint's Crew" (FC "Spartak" Moscow). "Flint's Crew" invited "Kolovrat" to take part in their private party. These hooligan parties became a permanent activity of the band's future. "Kolovrat" are known as strong supporters of right- wing soccer casuals. A few members of the band were involved with hooliganism personally.
The band emerged in April of 1999 only 3 times. On 01.05.99 "Kolovrat" departed on their very first tour and successfully emerged in Petersburg. After the gig on 13.05.99 in Moscow, where the band played for nearly two hours, D. decided to end the collaboration with vocalist A. because of some disagreements.
Then a very tragic event occurred on 12.06.99 in the history of the band. Some unknown criminals murdered "Kolovrat" bassist I. These bastards were never found by police and I.'s comrades until this time. The reason for the murder probably was because of his tattoos with many radical symbols and slogans.
I. was buried near Moscow. Friends gave their respect, expressed their sorrow and shared their memories of him.
The band started to search the new members. As a result in September '99 "Kolovrat" welcomed vocalist A. T. and bassist D. E. Their debut gig with the band took a place on 16.10.99. The gig was in memory of their fallen comrade I. Nearly 300 Skinheads gathered together to pay their respects and true solidarity.
In a short time "Kolovrat" emerged in Tula and organized the unprecedented action in one of the central hotels of Moscow. At the conference hall a burst of right-wing rock thunder exploded as100 fans listened. After this great gig followed another excellent tour to Kursk, a few concerts in Moscow, one of them- on 26.02.00 was dedicated to the memory of young Skinhead Igor Topolin, who was an active member of the "Kolovrat Crew". Igor was stabbed and murdered by left- wing scum after the antifascist ska punk gig, which took place in Moscow 3 weeks before.
The new studio album "Blood of Patriots" was released on 10.06.2000. It was recorded in a professional studio in 22 days together with 7 remixes from the previous album "National Revolution" (from the German label "Jens Puehse Music Versand"). The album included 17 songs, which were written in 1998- 1999, with playtime circa 64 min. It was a strong musical composition in RAC style with many good songs. "Blood of Patriots" is the best album of "Kolovrat" until now according to the opinions of the majority the fans.
Soon the band left Moscow for their first big tour to support the new album and emerged in Tula, Ryasan (the native city of great Evpaty Kolovrat), N- Novgorod, Petersburg. After the tour "Kolovrat" played a few gigs in Moscow and performed at the "Eight International Bike Show" in front of 4000 bikers. The majority of them were Patriots and even Nationalists! This was the climax of the tour.
The following band's lineup in the Summer- Autumn 2000 included vocalist A. and drummer V. who left "Kolovrat". A new drummer M.T. joined shortly thereafter. D. decided to take control of the vocals himself. D. E.- bassist of the band left the lineup at the end of the year due to family circumstances and it was a time for new incomer A. to join "Kolovrat." A. did not perform with the band for very long. He only toured with the "Kolovrat" for six months.
Finally the new bassist K. entered the band in 2001 to stay with "Kolovrat" for good, he was involved with the band until the beginning of 2005. Also M., keyboardist and backup vocalist joined "Kolovrat" in the Summer of 2000, he stayed with the band for the next five years, always doing good active work. Later he was excluded from the band for worthy reasons. New talented keyboardist D. replaced him soon after his expulsion.
A split CD with German RAC veterans "Nahkampf" was released in 2000 by Jens Puehse, and this successful project became the first serious step for "Kolovrat" into the worldwide scene. The Russian tape remastered edition was released by "Kolovrat SN Records" not long after with the permission of the German label.
The band soon entered the studio once again to record their new LP. This time it was a tribute to the worldwide RAC scene, the recording included 14 cover versions of different bands in "Kolovrat" with style re- arrangements. That album was entitled "Ninth wall of WP" and became a huge success.
The next studio album "Era of the Right Hand" showed the development of the band in a heavier direction. This recording included only 8 songs, but lasted approximately 45 minutes. The band started to produce more songs with long instrumental parts displaying its growing interest in the many different styles of modern Metal music. The album was first released by "Kolovrat SN Records" in 2002, and was soon re- released with 2 bonus tracks by the French label "Pit Records".
The same Hatecore/ Metal tendencies were represented on the next album called "Hammering a Road to Victory", it was released in 2003.
Standing loyal to its RAC roots the band continued to experiments with heavier styles of music, and this process reached its culmination on the "Prisoner of Conscience" (album' 05) that became the heaviest metal sounding LP ever made by "Kolovrat". If speaking particularly about the "Hammering ..." album- this work received a very positive reaction from fans and good reviews in the worldwide press scene.
M.R., the lead guitarist and other veteran of "Kolovrat" decided to finish his musical activities in the end of 2002. It was a big loss for the band from an instrumental sense, moreover it was so hard to find a new, experienced, and skillful solo guitarist worthy of replacing in person of T. joined the band only at Summer 2003. Being really good instrumentalist he did several shows with "Kolovrat", recorded for "Prisoner of Conscience" CD and this split CD with "Guarda de Ferro" as well, songs for a couple compilations and upcoming "Triune" (split CD with Ukranian "Sokyra Peruna" and Belorussian "Molot"), but finally he was forced to leave the line up, for many different reasons.
The band toured the Czech Republic in February 2004, and a week after the concert D. was captured by local special police, and charged with "support and propaganda of movements against humanity" and put in prison, where he spent the next 15.5 months, even though he was completely acquitted from all the charges by the court twice.
These were hard times for "Kolovrat", but the band did not give up! Several concerts were done and a lot of new material (3 songs for this joint album included) was successfully recorded. The new studio album "Prisoner of Conscience" was released by the band's own label "Kolovrat SN Records" as 6 songs on CD in the beginning of 2005, and soon it was re- released with 5 bonus tracks by the German label "Moloko+ Versand". This album was created in support of D. and it became the main work of "Kolovrat" during these hard times. The new and talented musician- bass player I. also joined the band during this period.
The collaboration between the band and foreign comrades has always been very active. Many "Kolovrat" songs were released on different compilations, both on Russian and foreign projects, many interviews were printed, and numerous good comrades from abroad visited the band in Moscow. "Kolovrat" has always showed an interest in good friendly contacts not only in Russia, but outside the country as well.
In the history of "Kolovrat" their gigs were prohibited numerous times by governments and police powers. Police attacked concert venues as they did on 28.06. 2000 at the "Rock against drugs" festival, where 100 comrades were captured. On 04.11.02 at the "ISD Memorial"- 3, when more than 300 gig attendees were smashed. When the band arrived in Petersburg on 18.03.00 the local antifa had distributed 8000 propaganda leaflets all over the city. "Kolovrat" recordings have been confiscated from distributors. The band has always had to work in the deep underground, but nonetheless their popularity on the native and worldwide scene grows every year.
Through music, resistance against globalism, the new communism, continues. Despite the monkey MTV and the leftist media, the interest to patriotism and national ideology among normal European and American people is growing at an explosive rate.
Current line up of "Kolovrat": D.- vocal/ guitar; A.- guitar, back vocals; I.- bass; D.- keyboards; M. T.- drums.
The members of the band are older now, almost all of them have families with kids, full-time jobs and many different responsibilities besides the band. Despite these facts "Kolovrat" is still very active both in the studio and concert circuits, constantly recording new material and playing shows on a regular basis.
Concert activities were always very important to the band that visited about 100 cities all across Russia, in Belarus and Ukraine, and abroad as well. Some of the bands that "Kolovrat" played with include: "Brutal Attack", "Honor", "Brigade M", "White Law", "Odessa", "Oidoxie" just to name a few.
One of "Kolovrat" appearances at these big international concerts was recorded in 2003 and it was released in 2005 as a live album entitled "In Memory of Ian Stuart".
More than 200 gigs, many releases, numerous interviews are the result of the band's active work and dedication. After 10 years of activities "Kolovrat" reached such status in Russia that "Kolovrat Above Whole World" (by the title of one of songs from the "National Revolution" album), international tribute to "Kolovrat" was released by a group of enthusiasts in 2005. The next two parts of this project are in the works.
Now the band prepares for new gigs and work on new material for another ballad CD and 2 more RAC albums. Many new comrades are starting to support the band and the Russian scene. Many new recruits joined the movement listening to "Kolovrat" songs. Some foreign comrades have reconsidered their views and put an end to the wrong prejudices against Russia and Slavs. "Kolovrat's" international popularity has led the way in understanding more about the Moscow Skinhead scene, Russians and Slavs. This is another small victory and the best reward for the hard work of the band.
"Kolovrat" will always continue their small part of the struggle and the story will be continued into the future. This fight must go on and it will go on. European countries and America are awakening from the long nightmare of multiculturalism and globalism. European nations are rising from their knees to march forward and to proclaim the total and definitive victory of our noble idea.
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