The undead throne rises from Chaos at the end of 2001, founded by F.Z. first time like Fenrizwulff on vocals/guitar, with an old line up , Kaeffel (Hetroertzen, Horns) on drums, D-Zoyd (Necrophago,Hetroertzen) bass. Starting a path in flames and the war against the Christian gods, under the laws of chaos.
The 2003 was the year of the first demo single called “Christripper Command” and at same time taking a date to open the Marduk show in Chile. Later FZ broke this first line up and entered in clandestinity to write new psalms for the new black eon of the band.
Reforming the band with a second line up with Ovidio I. on Drums and Arminivs in the bass guitar, The band entered to the DM6 studios recording the first LP called “Kvlt des Todes” finishing it at ends of the 2006.
Kythrone begins to spread the pest and death chants at local shows, touring and promoting the album released by Tyrannvs records (CD) Chile. This album was edited in France by Flamme Noire (CD), In Mexico by Concreto Records (CD) and actually a 12” goatfold vinyl edition is in factory by Diabolist Services (USA). After the first CD edition, Kythrone support the Watain show in Santiago of Chile at the 2007. Then, enter to the kvlt a fourth anticosmical element called Abaddon.
The past September Kythrone flight outside the Chilean territory to do some dates in Brazil, with the special participation at the "SETEMBRO NEGRO X", festival playing together to Gorgoroth , Wisdom and Enthroned the past September 2010. The past December 8 2010 Kythrone plays with Watain in the Santiago show, Fuck The World Tour.
Ovidio I. and Abaddon Left the band till 2011 starts.
Horvs (at Drums) and Moloch (Bass) Joined Kythrone left.
Now the band is at the studio working in the next revelation called “Necropatri et Pestifili, Satanae Sanctum”.
The anticosmical legacy of the black kult never ends
Discography and Editions
Kythrone - Christripper Command
Demo 2003
Edited in Tape 60 copies
Label: Black Church Records (BRA)
Chilean Black Metal band Kythrone have released their first official effort on CD-R, and it is indeed a promising piece of Black Metal Art. This is very well executed midpaced to fast Black Metal, with a slightly chaotic feel to it. The individual instruments are clearly audible despite the chaotic sound here, the vocals sound a bit similar to those of early Emperor, although more aggressive. At times I find similarities to both Morbid Angel and Lux Occulta in their music, but this is all mixed into the bands own sound and it's very interesting. It seems the bands in the Chilean Black Metal scene are getting better and better.
The only bad thing about this release is that here are only two tracks, an evil sounding intro and the title track.
1. The Southern Winds of Ragnarok (Intro) 02:13
2. Christripper Command 04:49
Total playing time 07:02
Vrag and Baphometh throne Zine (SWE)
Kythrone - Kult des todes
Lp 2007
*Edited in 2007 by the label Tyrannvs Records (CHI)
Cd Audio + Booklet 20 pages
500 copies
*Edited in 2008 by the label Flamme Noire (FRA)
Cd Audio + Booklet 20 pages
666 copies
*Edited in 2008 by the label Concreto Records (MEX)
Cd Audio + Booklet 20 pages
1000 copies*
Edited in 2010 by the label Diabolist Services (USA)
12¨ Black Goatfold Vynil + Die Hards Deluxe Editions.
666 copies
Album Total Edition Copies
2832 Copies for the first album.
Kythrone - Kult Des Todes
Avernal Black Metal in a really hellish way is what this three men Chilean horde delivers at “Kult Des Todes”, their second release and first full length album. The band was formed back in 2003, releasing a demo Cd-r this same year called “Christripper Command”…After some years of apparent creative inactivity the band decided to unleash “Kult Des Todes”, a really solid piece of Satanic Black Art. Nine tracks of mid to fast paced Black Metal (including a bonus tracks extracted from “Christripper Command”) is what you’ll find here. The pretty saturated (still completely legible) riffing creates infernal and suffocating atmospheres, crowned by a fucking hellish vocal work; the vocalisations of Fenriswulff (who’s also the guitar player) has an interesting cavernous effect with a slight echoing touch adding a huge avernal and occultist aura. The drumming moves between the dense and well structured mid, sometimes slow sections and the explosive, chaotic blast beats, all these with a really accurate and well executed performance. Several influences of bands such Mayhem, Antaeus and Ondskapt can be found here, but Kythrone maintains a respectful distance from its influences, creating a, no 100% original work, but a pretty “refreshing” one, always into the straight Black Metal parameters of course. Improving the whole blasphemous panorama is the interesting lyrical work; Kythrone deals with morbid topics such blasphemy, war and destruction, treated with a personal touch and a somewhat “poetic” view, including even some Latin written parts… these guys really seems to know what they talk about. The whole Cd presentation is just fucking great! The album art is killer; the front cover is “a little too much” similar to “Panzer Division Marduk” cover, but I guess it was on purpose… anyway, the whole album b&w art looks obscure and chaotic… just like the album sounds like. “Kult Des Todes” in spite of being a “True Black Fucking Metal” album, has a pretty clear and solid sounding production, conjugating accurately the “dirty” music with a “clean” production. Blasphemous Black Metal worshipers: here you got another bloody piece of meat… Excellent work!
Grinder Magazine:
A inicios del 2007 las puertas del infierno se abrieron abruptamente. ¿El motivo? El recóndito y ardiente paraíso tenia que expulsar a uno de sus más maliciosos engendros. El objetivo: contaminar el planeta con el Black Metal más perro y macabro que se pueda escuchar en la tierra: exactamente en las latitudes de Sudamérica.
Si bien es cierto, este actual cuarteto nació el año 2003, y solamente registra un Single como producción debut, poco a poco fue ganando la confianza para tirarse a las ardientes llamas del averno y masacrarnos con su placa debut. Así no más sin previos demos, ni mini producciones, sin avisos ni preámbulo alguno, nos sorprendieron con “Kult Des Todes”.
Kythrone llegó a la luz con un macabro registro de puro y luciferiano Black Metal bajo etiqueta Tyrannus Records (Chile).
“Kult des Todes” reúne siete cortes que se completan con una Intro y el single editado originalmente en el 2003, llamado “Christripper Command”. Un total de 46 minutos de terror antichristiano, que no tiene planes de dejarnos tranquilo en lo absoluto.
Cabe destacar la profesional gráfica que va de la mano con el concepto lírico del grupo, que básicamente no es otro que ocultista y antichristiano. Hasta el arte del CD (polimero) fue diseñado por Erik de Watain. O sea, cada detalle no fue dejado al azar, y por lo que entiendo las actuales y venideras licencias tendrán un diseño diferente. Se viene en formato Vinylo gatefold por Diabolist Services Kult (USA), Flamme Noire (Francia) en CD y por Concreto Records (México) en CD. Como ven, el interés hacia esta agrupación no es menor y seguramente los veremos bajo otros estandartes en el corto plazo.
Complementando más la información necesaria para darle un certero entendimiento al disco, debemos mencionar que los ojos y experiencia de Pablo Clares (DM6 Estudios) fueron los responsables del resultado final de esta placa. Que por cierto no es otro que magistral. El trabajo fue intenso y arduo en los últimos meses del 2006, pero al final, creo que el resultado valió la pena. Un podrido y a la vez crudo Black Metal que llega hasta lo profundo de tus huesos.
-Andres Padilla Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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